Saturday, we all went as a family to pick out some things for around our house (porch lights/outdoor ceiling fan) and to help Eric pick out a new hunting bow. Malakai was thrilled and there were no melt downs from either son. I may have been one of three women in the entire store but I was up for the challenge :) When we got home, the sun came out and we decided to do our mulching. It looks great and feels even better to have that all done and move on to the next thing...stacking those massive piles of wood at the barn.
This year we spent Easter sunday with my parents. It was a special day for us as we broke our Lent fast (almost 50 days) of no sweets. Those peanut butter eggs were worth the wait! After a lively egg hunt and a band-aid later, Malakai and Grandpa napped for almost 2 hours while Grandma, Eric and I decorated some eggs. Now it's a brand new week...lots to do and excited for the sun to appear more and more as spring continues to come forth.