Last night I had the opportunity to go along to Eric's company Christmas shindig downtown Lancaster at the Press Room. We had some incredible eats and lots of laughs. I always look forward to this every year as the company continues to grow and multiply. Most of the faces are the same, but there are always a few newbies. This year, BrentMore (which happens to be a remodeling, roofing, & HVAC company if you need some work done:) said goodbye to Bob Kreider, their president and founder. It was a special time of sharing memories, words of appreciation, praying for him and his wife, Danielle and releasing them into the next steps of their journey. He has poured so much into the men (and woman...we love you, Anna!) that are employed by BrentMore which numbers almost 20 now! He was quick to say that this is just the beginning for this young company...there is much more in store and that is so exciting. Here's a little window into our evening together.
"Open Mic" time...
...the unmistakable roar of laughter The Serious... The Silly...