
Great Grandma

Yesterday we spent the afternoon with Great Grandma Brubaker. The boys love visiting her and I know it means a lot to her too. She is 90 years old and still drives herself everywhere. She is one of my most favorite people in the whole world and I am so thankful to have her as a joyful part of my life and my family's lives. I wish you could've heard the conversation happening between the three of them as they enjoyed an animal cracker snack and looked through a photo album together. She could live to be 125 but I am going to continue to capture life with her each time we are in each other's presence, because I know each day is a gift and photos are much more than paper. They are lifelong memories frozen in time. They may not mean much to the outside viewer, but to me, these photos are like precious gems. This is the kind of jewelry we all should invest in :)


  1. Anonymous1/07/2012


    How precious! I love the leg/foot/hand picture! What precious memories! Such a story! :) Keep clicking! Thanks for sharing.

    Kristen Inch

  2. Anonymous2/06/2012

    I love these pictures of Grandma and your boys, Regina! You capture her facial expressions perfectly, and they evoke my own memories of time spend with her that I treasure very much.

    ...I'm hoping that she's around long enough to teach Malaki and Issac that very important life lesson we all learned from her one snowy Christmas so many years ago in her livingroom on Orville Road: "Well, by golly any dumbbell can cut a pie in 8!" :)

