
He Cares About The Small Stuff...

I'd like to share a testimony of the LORD's faithfulness to us, even in the little things... Friday afternoon Eric called me from work and explained how his cell phone had been stolen. He had put it down in a public place and walked away. Ten minutes later he discovered it was missing, went back to where he remembered he had laid it and it was gone. He was calling and texting it, telling whomever was in possession of it that he would like it back and that Jesus loved them. We prayed and believed that God would work it all out. At the end of the day, Eric was still without his iPhone. He found an old one at his workplace that no one was using and activated it, only to find out that the one single app that worked on the old software available on that phone was the Bible. Haha...how appropriate. The Word of the LORD is the only thing that is unchanging in our world of technology. He could get a new phone upgrade in May...that would be a long time without a lot of the conveniences he used for his job and personal interests. He called me this morning, four days after the incident and said, "Guess what showed up this morning right outside my office?" His phone was laying on the steps in front of his office. WHAT? This is a true miracle and one that builds our faith to believe, like we've always known, that the LORD hears our deepest heart's desires and longs to give us good things. So keep asking. He has given back to Eric what the enemy had stolen. He has truly brought restoration!

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