
North Carolina Girls

This past weekend, I did something I never did before. Stepped onto an airplane all by myself and sat with total strangers (making friendly connections and realizing the world is not as big as I think it is) and flew down to North Carolina to spend three whole days with my dear friend, Denise. No husbands. No children. No agenda. No plans. Doesn't that sound heavenly? Well, for two moms with young children, it sure did. So I said YES to an adventure and NO to to-do lists, nap schedules, changing diapers, alarm clocks, email, facebook...just unplugged. We did whatever we wanted, whenever we wanted to. Shopping and being silly in the dressing rooms, talking late into the night, eating at Olive Garden at 10pm, praying with our waitress and leaving her a huge tip, hot tub, beach trip, massage, Starbucks, festival in historic downtown Wilmington, fudge, ice cream, continental breakfast, free gym pass...and just hitting the "refresh" button!

I'm so thankful that Eric agreed to take care of the kids for the weekend. He was the one really encouraging me to take this trip. He found out what my days REALLY look like all day, everyday being a mom. It's mostly rewarding, but there are parts that can be really frustrating and draining. He was ready for my return as were the troops. House was cleaned, dishes were washed, laundry was folded and put away. Fresh cut daffodils and a love note on my kitchen counter. Yes, I am blessed! So, I am now having "re-entry" and so far, so good. I might just have to make trips like these a habit...

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