
Rocky Mountain High

June 23rd-30th...This year for our vacation Eric and I decided to head to Colorado, which is where we went for our honeymoon four years ago. It's absolutely the most beautiful countryside we've ever seen. We started in Denver visiting my cousin and some friends and then went on to about 10 different places and put on over 800 miles on our rental car! The speed limit is usually 75 so you just cruise everywhere which is helpful since everything is so spread out. We did lots of different activities like horseback riding, hiking, white water rafting, shopping at REI (every outdoors lover's dream store), stayed in a cabin in the middle of nowhere and also a house that overlooked Estes Park, stopped in at the Rocky Mountain YMCA (which is huge...nothing like the one here in the city on Queen Street), drove through Rocky Mountain National Park and to the top of Pike's Peak, had lots of picnics, took lots of pictures, went out to eat (I even had lobster!), watched some really good movies ( I think, Joseph, King of Dreams is a new favorite of ours), and were completely refreshed! It's always so great to go away for awhile, but it's also good to be home and back to the things we love around here. Below are some of my favorite shots. I found it really hard to capture the true splendor of the mountains. They are so big and we are so small. You have to go and see them yourself sometime! To think about the fact that God carved those huge mountains with his hands...wow, kind of makes you realize how incredible our Creator really is. I stand in awe of You, LORD.