
Isaac Ray Martin

On Sunday, December 26th at 7:55pm a new Martin entered the world. Weighing in at 7 lbs. 10 oz. and 20.5 inches long, our son was born! Here are the two brothers in their first picture together. Can you tell Malakai is a little excited?! We are all doing well. Just got home today and will post more pictures in the days to come...trust me, there are only a few :) What a Merry Christmas indeed!

Simply Amazed,


  1. ahhhh! have been checking and checking and checking!!!! SO EXCITED for all of you - God is truly amazing! he is BEAUTIFUL!!!!

  2. Anonymous12/30/2010

    How sweet! :) Blessings to you and your family!


  3. Anonymous12/31/2010

    Wonderful picture! Big Brother is so excited they are both adorable. You are very blessed!

  4. Jen Kratz12/31/2010

    Oh what a wonderful moment captured perfectly! That is one happy and proud big brother! I hope he stays so excited in the many years to come ;)

  5. Anonymous12/31/2010

    I'm super excited for you guys! Isaac was born ony birthday & I'm sooo happy to share it w/ him. Just a tip ... Wrap bday gifts in bday paper & always make it a separate event. I've my bday on dec 26 now for 29 years and it kinda sucks cause a lot of peoPle don't remember it. So I like giving parents of Christmas (near) babies the heads up. Miss u guys! Congrats again we are super excited for u & your little miracle. Nikki brendel
