
Longing Fulfilled

I remember it so clearly. It was Malakai's 3rd birthday when I got the call from my dear friend, Livi. "Well, I have some exciting news! Our profile was just selected by a birth mother due in mid January!" I think I probably made her deaf in one ear as I yelled ecstatically with joy because the wait was finally over! The 19-month wait, to be exact. Jer & Livi were praying for the right baby to join their family through adoption and what an amazing testimony to God's faithfulness and His perfect timing, their sweet son, Micah Benjamin is.

Born on January 14, him and my little Isaac aren't even 3 weeks apart in age. How appropriate that the two of us women would have our longings fulfilled within weeks of each other. That's our God! Even as I write, tears sting my eyes as I realize once again what a miracle every life created is. Children are such a gift. Adopted. Biological. Red. Brown. Yellow. Black. White. They are precious in His sight.

Jer & Livi, I can't even begin to tell you how much joy it brings to my heart to watch you loving on your little Micah. Your gift from God. Your hope fulfilled. I know he feels secure in your love for him as I watch him break out in contagious smiles every time I see him. May you always celebrate his life and may you always love the God who brought him to you.


  1. Sue Verrillo7/29/2011

    Regina- these pixs are beyond awesome!! You have a great eye for composition!!!! Great job!!!

  2. Aunt Das8/03/2011

    What a beautiful little family!!
