
Sibling Love

The boys are very affectionate towards their little sister. Isaac is learning how to give kisses and practicing quite often on Mommy and Hadassah. I love it! I asked Eric to take a picture of me and my girl since I don't think I have any of her and I since the day she was born. There is a whirl of activity around the house these days so when I do pick up my camera, I feel like it's a big accomplishment. I'm sure other mommas of young children at home can relate. Showering, nursing, doing laundry (including folding and putting it away), nursing, cooking meals, nursing, kissing boo-boo's, reading Cindarella (Malakai's current favorite book) for the zillionith time, nursing, and cleaning out the dishwasher are the things that take priority on any given day. And if I'm really lucky, a nap :) Life is full. Life is a miracle. It takes a lot of support to raise children. I am so thankful that my mom lives across the street from me and helps me out so much! And my mother-in-law gives of her time as well. They've both "been there...done that" so I know I'm not alone! Praise Jesus for family!

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