

We take our job very seriously as wedding photographers but we aren't always serious. We have this new game that we just started between the two of us to see who can capture the most ridiculous pose of each other throughout the wedding day. Yeah, who do you think is winning this challenge? Not me! Here are some fun ones from last Saturday's wedding. Feel free to comment on your favorite one...

Waiting in the elevator...for the women to get properly dressed

Katie, see if you can look as cool as I do holding this up this post

Aaron, pop a squat just like this

Ladies, check out what I just captured!

Can you all see?

Eric and his new buddy, Andy huggin' it out

Notice the photographer in the background...is he really taking a coffee break on the job?

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, I love this post so much. My fave is you - Regina - rocking the post-pose. Hilarious.
