
Heinly Family

I met these four last year when I did Carl's senior portraits and I have greatly enjoyed our interactions. We began the session in their back yard. Everything seemed normal until I saw out of the corner of my eye, something moving on the porch. I went over for a closer look.

"What are those things?!"
Carl: "Voles."
Regina: "Ok, tell me why you have them on your porch in an old fish aquarium?"
Carl: "We are catching them in the back yard and making pets out of them. Mom said we can't bring them in the house, so this was the next best option."
Regina: "Well, how many are in there?"
Carl: "Six."

YIKES! I was speechless. Barb is one brave woman to let those critters on her back porch. But she shared with me that these little guys are mild compared to some other ones that her boys "raised" growing up. We finished up the session at a nearby one lane stone bridge and managed not to get hit although Gary was directing traffic pretty steadily at one point. Thanks for a great night of laughter. You are all so much fun and I appreciate your willingness to be stretched. I'm guessing that you probably won't ever forget your experience with me.

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