
She's Nesting...

...knew the term before but never really understood it, until now. I've heard of women doing crazy things, like alphabetizing their husband's sermon notes and hanging clothes by colors in the closet. Didn't think that would ever be me. But as photography season winds down and I have more time to focus on other areas of my life, like having a baby in less than two months, I have been feeling the itch to clean out, organize, etc. Here's a little bit of what I/we've been up to...

Last week, we were gifted a beautiful bedroom suite (never had one of those), purchased our first quality mattress, and our first new kitchen table and chairs. Yeah, that was a lot in one week, but so exciting. I organized every closet in the house, got all of my photography equipment cleaned all at once, and the same day had my computer disc drive fixed (that was a lonely day for me:)

Yesterday I found 6 boxes of old greeting cards and laughed hysterically at some of the notes we kept between Eric and I that were dated back to 1999. At first, the letters were addressed to "Dude", which was the stage before I could even admit to myself that I really liked him. Then he became "Friend", "Baby", "Muffin Man", "Sugar Pants", "Snuggle Bear", "Honey"...I'm seriously not making these up. We had so much time to just write letters, emails, and send cards back and forth, expressing our growing love for each other. I even found a postcard from my cousin, Marvin from 1993. The trash man must wonder what is going on at our house because our pile has been extra large recently but it feels good to get prepared for the next transition in life.

On the list yet this week:
-Christmas shopping
-baking Christmas cookies with mom
-make meal for close friends who just had a baby
-child birth class this weekend
-finish up client print orders
-last two portrait sessions of the season (Wed/Fri)

Next week really is the start of the holiday season and I am excited for all that is in store! I hope you all are looking forward to it too.

Enjoy this new blessing of a day. What a gift life is.

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