

The season of Lent is upon us and usually it comes and goes without me getting involved in any way, but this year is different. Eric and I decided that we are going to fast sweets/desserts/sugar. And let me tell you, for a woman who has a sweet tooth that screams at her daily, "Feed me! Satisfy me!" this is a big challenge. My first test was going to a Pampered Chef party this past week where we made chocolate caramel brownies and I could smell them baking and then saw them come right out of the oven and couldn't touch them. I wanted to give in so bad, but instead I filled my mouth with some nice juicy grapes. I feel victorious every time I resist temptation! And I'm sure my body is enjoying being cleansed of unnecessary products right now too.

In addition to the discipline of giving something up, I am adding something to my life as well. I felt like the LORD asked me to read through the Psalms during Lent. I am reading about 4 chapters a day. He has been speaking to me about the discipline of keeping the first things first. How easy it is for me to begin my day by just doing many of the tasks that are on my list, instead of going to meet with my Father first. It has been so life-giving to go back to my First Love, first thing. Over the past several months, I have lacked discipline in this area and so it is a definite challenge to begin my day by being in the Word of God, but oh has it been sweet. I can feel the enemy trying to distract me and whisper to me that it's not really that important, but then I hear the still, small voice of my Father who invites me to just rest for a few moments on His lap. This is the place I want to be FIRST, before all other things.

He has already been revealing things to me in scripture that have been changing my heart of stone to a heart of flesh. And it feels so good to be in communion with him again. My journal pages are being filled, my mind is thinking about different verses I read through the day, and my spirit is being awakened again. I know physically, here in Lancaster, the winter is not over, but in my spirit, the ice is thawing and I can feel that new life is just a breath away. So be encouraged by my testimony...The LORD really does discipline those He loves. Just because He loves us, if for no other reason. I am so glad He chose to adopt me. It makes me so excited to meet our adopted children...soon....soon!

In the morning, O LORD, You hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before You and wait in expectation. Psalm 5:3

From the LORD comes deliverance. May Your blessing be on Your people. Psalm 3:8

I have set the LORD always before me. Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure, because You will not abandon me to the grave. Psalm 16:8-9