

Malakai's first day of preschool was today. Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9-11:30, he will be spending time with 12 other little people and two awesome teachers. He loves his green "pack pack" as he calls it and was excited to get going. So excited that about 30 seconds after I took these pictures, he was running and bit the sidewalk hard enough to need two band-aids. Hope this isn't how all first days of school will go for him. He came home with all kinds of information and things they will need from us parents. Wow...am I ready for all this responsibility and remembering another person's schedule, snack days, show and tell days, bike helmets? Oh dear. Jesus, help me to be a good mom to my dear preschooler. There is always a new stage in life. This morning, I clearly felt like "the new mom". He wore flip flops, (instead of sneakers which his info packet strongly suggested as they run around a lot). I hugged and kissed him goodbye in the classroom (which is discouraged as it could make other kids cry). And I backed up in the parking lot (also discouraged as you could run over a child). Whew...I'm on a steep learning curve already. And this morning was only an hour session. Ah yes, school days have begun. I think I may learn just as much as Malakai will. We're in this thing together!

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